Information for ALL calls

All papers must follow the SBC template ( and the submission must be done exclusively in PDF format, through the JEMS system of SBC:

Accepted papers must be presented at the event by one of the authors, so that they can be published in the proceedings. In each respective call, there will be an evaluation committee that will choose the best papers.

ST - Technical sessions

Authors can submit papers in two modalities: full papers or short papers.

Important dates for full papers

Deadline for paper registration: 01/07/2018 06/07/2018

Deadline for paper submission: 01/07/2018 06/07/2018

Page limit: 14

Language: ENGLISH or Portuguese

Submission: anonymous

Revision: double-blind

Notification of result: 28/08/2018

Final version and author conference registration: 06/09/2018

Instructions to authors: A full papers submitted should present a research work developed to the point of bringing original and relevant results, fully validated and discussed. In addition, the presentation of the paper should contain a detailed and reasoned description of the research work, as well as consistent conclusions based on the results obtained. The submitted papers should describe research activities, report relevant experiences and case studies.

Important dates for short papers

Deadline for paper registration and submission: 10/09/2018 12/09/2018

Page limit: 8

Language: ENGLISH or Portuguese

Submission: anonymous

Revision: double-blind

Notification of result: 02/10/2018

Final version and author conference registration: 06/10/2018

Instructions to authors: A short paper may describe an ongoing research paper, a computational tool, practical experiments, or a combination of these contributions. In the case of tools and / or experiments, the paper should contain the following information: description and motivation of the problem handled by the tool; architecture of the solution and description of the main functionalities; URL where the tool is available; URL of the tool’s documentation and description of the planned demonstration.

WTICG 2018

Important dates for full papers and posters

Deadline for paper registration and submission: 01/07/2018 06/07/2018

Page limit for full papers: 10

Page limit for posters: 4

Language: ENGLISH or Portuguese

Submission: identified

Revision: single-blind

Notification of result: 01/09/2018

Final version and author conference registration: 06/09/2018

Instructions to authors: Regularly enrolled undergraduates, or recent graduates who have completed the course as of January 1, 2018 are entitled to submit papers to this call. The undergraduate or graduate student status must be proven with appropriate documentation, which must be sent together with the submission of the work. The authors are invited to submit papers on Scientific Initiation (IC), course completion work (TCC), which can be software implementations and independent projects completed in the years 2017 and 2018 or in the completion phase. Completed works must be submitted in the “Complete Work” category, while work in progress must be submitted in the “Posters” category. Undergraduate students or recent graduates who have their work accepted in this call will have their SBSeg registrations subsidized by CESeg Student Grants, a program of the Special Committee on Information Security and Computational Systems (CESeg) of the Brazilian Society of Computing aimed at stimulate student participation.

CTDSeg 2018

Important dates for full papers

Deadline for paper registration: 01/07/2018

Deadline for paper submission: 01/07/2018

Page limit: 8

Language: ENGLISH or Portuguese

Submission: identified

Revision: single-blind

Notification of result: 03/08/2018

Final version: 01/09/2018

Author conference registration: 06/09/2018

Instructions to authors: The Contests of Thesis and Dissertations in Information Security and Computational Systems (CTDSeg) is an integral event of the SBSeg which aims to select and award the best doctoral theses and the best master’s dissertations in the area. The researchers are invited to submit an article describing and summarizing the results obtained in their theses and dissertations completed from July 2016 to June 2018. The author should make clear the contribution of the work to the area and its originality. The text MUST include the title of the thesis or dissertation, the names of the author and advisor (and co-advisers, if any) with their respective affiliations, abstract, motivations, objectives, results obtained, associated scientific production and address where the thesis or dissertation is available. Each paper submitted must contain three files (in PDF format): article, digitized declaration of completion and thesis or dissertation. The statement must include explicitly that the candidate has defended and had the work approved. The statement must also contain the place, the date of the viva, the name of the advisor and the evaluation committee.

Short Courses SBSeg 2018

Important dates

Deadline for proposal registration and submission: 21/06/2018

Page limit: 3 to 5 (in the submission stage) and 40 to 50 (in case the Short Course is accepted)

Language: Portuguese

Submission: identified

Revision: single-blind

Notification of result: 25/07/2018

Final version and author conference registration: 06/09/2018

Instructions to authors: The main goal of the SBSeg Short Courses is to address relevant topics that are generally not taught in the curriculum of undergraduate courses, as well as to create interest in the area of security amongst academics and professionals. Priority is given to current topics with greater potential to attract the interest of young students and professionals in order to better qualify them for their research and/or job market. Submission Information must contain:

  • Identification: Title of the Short Courses, Authors, Institution(s) and Indication of the author who will present the course;
  • General information: Objectives of the Short Courses, subject theoretical or practical, general gathering of results or deepening of specific aspects, presentation or comparison of technologies, formation of new skills or information etc. and desired profile of the audience;
  • Expected structure of the text (topics / chapters to be developed);
  • For each chapter / topic planned, write a summary of its content and a forecast of the respective number of pages;
  • Main bibliography used in the preparation of the course;
  • CV of the authors (one page per author).

All the above information must be added in only one document (one file in PDF format). The following criteria will be considered in the evaluation: relevance and timeliness of the theme for the event, technical quality of the proposal and experience of the proponents in the proposed theme. The best proposals on each topic will be accepted for presentation and publication. In order to ensure the diversity of the Short Courses offered, the selected proposals will deal with different themes. The texts will be published, in the form of chapters, in the book “Minicursos SBSeg 2018”, to be distributed among the participants of the event.

Tools workshop - SBSeg 2018

Important dates

Deadline for paper registration and submission: 15/08/2018 06/09/2018

Page limit: 8

Language: ENGLISH or Portuguese

Submission: identified

Revision: single-blind

Notification of result: 02/09/2018 21/09/2018

Final version and author conference registration: 06/09/2018 27/09/2018

Instructions to authors: The SBSeg Tools workshop is a meeting forum for developers and researchers interested in implementing and evaluating the performance of systems and tools that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the area of information security and computational systems. In this event there is an emphasis on demonstrating new systems and tools, their development experience, implementation and use issues, as well as the perspectives created by them, so all accepted tools MUST be demonstrated at stands in SBSeg by one of the authors. The tools should be presented in an article that should contain the following information:

  • Description and motivation of the problem solved by the tool;
  • Solution architecture and description of key features;
  • URL where the tool is available (the source code with the license must be present in this URL, not just the binary);
  • URL of the tool’s documentation, including information and requirements for installation;
  • Description of the planned demonstration for the Tools workshop informing the necessary equipment for this.
  • (optional) URL with a video explaining the installation and tool features.

The evaluation process will take into account the quality, relevance and innovation of the practical results, the documentation, the submitted paper and the demonstration proposed in the Tools workshop. In this edition the Tools workshop will consist only of tool demonstrations.


Important dates

Full papers and short papers

Deadline for registration and submission of papers: 06/08/2018 06/09/2018

Limit full page pages: 10 to 14

Short Paper Page Limits: 4

Language: ENGLISH (we strongly encourage) or Portuguese

Submission: identified

Revision: single-blind

Notification of result: 06/09/2018 17/09/2018 01/10/2018

Final version AND REGISTRATION: 15/09/2018 27/09/2018 06/10/2018

Lightning Talks

Registration and Submission: 06/09/2018

Notification of result: 06/10/2018

Page Limit: 2

Final version AND REGISTRATION: 06/10/2018

Instructions to authors: Authors can submit papers in three modalities. Besides full papers or short papers, the novelties in this edition are the lighting talks which are talks of 5 minutes for presenting new ideas to the community and the possibility of indicating that any of your submissions as “Experience” which can be anything related as the result of a project in the area.